I hope you have liked what you've seen or about to see . This is just a starters pack which has been put in Macformat 29 aswell . The Starter Pack in Macformat 29 had a different layout and had a compition in it , a hidden file .
The very first of the Ten People who found the hidden file was DAVE MILLS from BEDWORTH .
If you want to get ten scenario's , ten landscapes and a fanzine which covers all you want to know , competions , cheats and many many more .
The cost for supscribing to all of this is just a miere £1 a month , very , very cheap . But of course there is a discount . If you send in a £10 note you will recieve your supscrition for a whole year . Two months free !!!!
To order Send :- more...
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Stuart Affleck Scenario's
3 Mayburn Bank
EH20 9EZ
If you are just intreasted and want to more just send a self adderess envlope with a stamp on it . And we will send you the info you need.